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Início / Formação / “Facilitating Collaborative Learning through Open and Distance Learning”

“Facilitating Collaborative Learning through Open and Distance Learning”


Data / Hora
22/06/2016 / 14:30 - 17:00

Reitoria U.Porto - Auditório Ruy Luís Gomes

seminar on facilitating collaborative learning through open and distance learning

Are you interested to move your goal post towards new ways of teaching?

Attend the seminar on “Facilitating Collaborative Learning through Open and Distance Learning” and take part in a discourse on the integration of ICTs in teaching and learning and as such, facilitate improved pedagogical models in the 21st century university landscape.

Facilitating Collaborative Learning through Open and Distance Learning”  é um seminário para docentes promovido pela unidade de Tecnologias Educativas da UPdigital e conta com a presença da Drª Delvaline Möwes (*) da Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), que se encontra na U.Porto ao abrigo do programa Erasmus Mundus e é, desde 2002, diretora do Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL) da NUST.

O seminário, que se realiza no próximo dia 22 de Junho, é gratuito mas é necessário efetuar inscrição devido à lotação da sala.



(*) Delvaline Möwes is currently the Director of the Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). She holds this position since 2002 and has been involved in research in the field of open and distance learning, with a particular interest in student support services. Her career in open and distance learning (ODL) began at the University of Namibia’s Centre for External Studies and she has more than 24 years’ experience in ODL Leadership and Management.